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black list造句

"black list"是什么意思  
  • No black lists here , it could have been anyone
  • Why am i black listed ? i ' m as clean as a balloon
  • Tough luck , or is it a black list
  • Why am i black listed
  • His name is on the black list ( blacklist ) used by the police to round up all the gangsters
    (他被列在警方用于逮捕所有不良帮派份子的黑名单上。 )
  • We keep a black list of people who don ' t pay their bills and make sure we do not supply anything else to them
  • Some anti spam applications use black lists of servers that send spam messages , some use different algorithms to sort spam messages from normal ones
  • Some anti spam applications use black lists of servers that send spam messages , some use different algorithms to sort spam messages from normal ones
  • Iraq is drawing up a so - called black list that will ban institutions and individual scholars who deal with stolen material from access to iraqi museums
  • It prevents the spam from the internet through setting the filter and the black list and so on . but all of these technologies are devoid of intelligence and self - adaptation
  • It's difficult to see black list in a sentence. 用black list造句挺难的
  • He is one of the giants of the greatest times of hollywood . in six decades since he took to the stage in screen , he has stared in 83 films , 9 plays , breaking hollywood s notorious " black list " in the 1950 s
  • In the first part of this article , some traditional spam - filtering techniques , including real - time black list , reverse dns requirement , bayes filtering , filtering based on rules , etc . are introduced
  • And it finally reaches the goal of credit management and sanction , i . e , by way of the black list to carry out more psc inspections and set the goals port control for the sud - standard ships in that country which make those ships be subject to frequent inspection and control by every port state . of course this will influence the reputation of the country , the fame and the credibility of the shipping company and furthermore . it keeps the cargo owners , merchants , charterers away from them
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